Liberty Garden Products, Inc. is the leader in garden hose storage products and spends significant time and resources inventing and researching new products. Liberty Garden files numerous patent applications and has received many patents protecting the innovative products that we deliver to our customers.
Patent Marking and Notice
This Internet posting is intended to serve as notice under 35 USC (United States Code) § 287(a). Patented article/product may be covered by the following patents, as well as others. Additional Liberty Garden patents and patent applications, and products, may exist.
The reader and general public is hereby placed on notice of Liberty Garden’s patent rights in the United States. Patents listed on this site are associated with at least the following products, which are covered by one or more of the listed patents.
Rotating Hose Reels: Pat. No. 9,422,132; Pat. No. 10,150,645
Americana Hose Stands and Hangers: Pat. No. 11,427,433
Liberty Basics Side Winding Hose Reel: Pat. No. 10,961,081 B2
Hose Stand with Decorative Shelf: Pat. No. D813649
Hose Stand with Decorative Shelf and spout support: Pat. No. D813650
Disclaimer: Any products not listed herein, even if they contain a reference to this webpage, are not claimed to be patented.